Enforcing a Judgment

How Do You Get Your Money After You Win Your Case ?

You have several options once judgment is given:

Examination – allows you to understand the financial circumstances of the person who owes you money by compelling them to provide a detailed disclosure of their assets and liabilities. If they refuse or fail to comply with an examination summons, they can be arrested.

Garnishee order – If you know the bank accounts where money is held or received by the person who owes you money, you can apply to the Court to have a garnishee order issued. This requires a third party to pay to you money that belongs to the judgment debtor or money they are entitled to e.g. wages, salary, rent.

Writs – A writ can be issued to enforce the judgment debt. A writ directs the Sheriff to seize personal belongings, car, furniture, tools of trade, jewellery from the person who owes you money, sell those items and pay you the money earned from the sale.

Bankruptcy – if the person who owes you money does not pay, a trustee in bankruptcy might be appointed to take control of their financial affairs. The trustee can seize & sell their items to raise money to pay all creditors

We have the right experience and knowledge to help you enforce a judgment debt. Call us now on 9744 9236 for advice on the most appropriate and suitable enforcement options available to you.